Community comments

Comments on the website

These comments have been submitted through our website comment section.

They can be expanded by clicking on their heading. This will show evidence of the level of consultation carried out by the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Planning team in compiling our final Neighbourhood Plan for Dartmouth

  1. Thank you for your comment Brian. From the 25th Feb all comments should be made to South Hams District Council…

  2. Allottments do not need to be protected by Neighbourhood plans. Under the Allotments Act 1925, councils can only develop statutorily…

  3. Comments on Neighbourhood Plan Dartmouth is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We must endeavour to maintain this…

  4. Further to my comment above regarding my objection to the Kiosk planning application for Coronation Gardens (No. 2506/21/FUL), it has…

  5. Shaun, Thgank you for your support. We are considering an online petition but the demonstration on community suppoort for these…

  6. Carol, Thank you so much for your support for JBP gaining Local Green Space protection within Dartmouth’s developing Neighbourhood Plan.…

  7. Jawbones needs to be protected, it is one of the few areas where one can walk dogs, have a Picnic…

  8. Hi, More than happy to support the adoption of the green spaces lists. Not sure that just sending a comment…

  9. The Dart Area Landscape Access Group Press Statement for Jawbones Beacon Path 2014 Having successfully launched Dartmouth’s very popular walking…

  10. Our thanks to everyone who posted support for Local Green Space designation within our Neighbourhood Plan. This is exactly the…

  11. Our thanks to everyone who posted support for Local Green Space designation within our Neighbourhood Plan. This is exactly the…

  12. Our thanks to everyone who posted support for Local Green Space designation within our Neighbourhood Plan. This is exactly the…

  13. I will read the historical survey with interest – as far as I know nobody contacted the Museum for information…