Public Consultation period ends.
The public consultation period for the Neighbourhood Plan finished on 13th September. The Steering Group would like to thank all those who responded for their contributions, which will be considered carefully over the coming weeks. Once the Steering Group has taken account of them and decided on any modifications to the plan that it thinks necessary, it will publish all the responses and its decisions on the website. It is hoped to complete this process by the end of November. This length of time will allow the Group to give serious consideration to the numerous, complex points raised.
Additional consultation events have been scheduled to allow input from as many members of the community as possible.
The events now in the pipeline are as follows:
Monday 16 August Townstal Community Hall from 3pm to 5.45pm
Saturday 21 August Community Corner Market Place 10.00 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Monday 6 September Townstal Community Hall from 3pm to 5.45pm
Monday 13 September Guildhall Ballroom from 4pm to 7pm
Your chance to comment on Dartmouth’s future
Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan
Regulation 14 Consultation: 2nd August to 13th September
Your involvement is now needed as we have reached a crucial stage of the local Neighbourhood Planning process – your first sight of the Plan. The Plan is based on contributions from residents, views from the public survey in 2016, input from the DNP Steering Group and research and investigation developed particularly through its Topic Groups of local people.
Please take some time to read the plan online here on our website. An executive summary of the plan is also available (see menu above). The Plan is an extensive document over 100 pages long. This is not of our choosing; the legislation is complex and we have to satisfy our statutory obligations in compiling the plan.
We are also holding a series of Q&A sessions in various locations around the town and we would welcome your attendance so we can answer any questions you may have. We will also listen to any ideas you may have to improve the Plan. The sessions are listed below:
The Draft neighbourhood Plan is now available
The Draft Plan and supporting evidence is available on the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan website and you can make your views known there by completing a brief questionnaire. Copies are also available for viewing at the Town Hall, Flavel Centre, and Dartmouth Visitor Centre.
In addition to all this, there will be several public displays on view as follows:
Saturday 7 August Community Corner Market Place 9am to 1pm
Tuesday 10 August Guildhall Ballroom 4pm to 7pm
Monday 16 August Townstal Community Hall 3pm to 5.45pm
Saturday 21 August Community Hall Market Place 10am to 1pm
As the plan will be operative right through to 2034, it is felt essential to engage with the younger members of the community. So, two other events will be held, one at Dartmouth Academy, the other at Kingsbridge Community College, between 7 and 13 September. Precise dates are still to be agreed.
Community response requested
The steering group have now released a community response form which is posted on the website. This is designed to give Dartmouth the opportunity to read the draft Neighbourhood Plan and make any comments and suggestions which may improve the plan. The idea is to make sure the plan meets the needs of the majority of the community so that when the referendum takes place the Plan will receive full support and be adopted.
Read the Executive Summary of the DNP
The Steering group for the Neighbourhood Plan has now published the Executive summary of the plan on this website. You can find it on the menu bar above. This is the first step towards consultation with the community to make sure the plan reflects the opinions and values of the majority of the community. Click on the front page below to read the plan.
Are Dartmouth’s Green Spaces Important to You?
The Neighbourhood Plan being developed for Dartmouth is a once in a generation opportunity to gain “Green Belt” type protection for our open spaces by designating them as Local Green Spaces. To date 16 sites have been identified for this protection.
- Coronation Park (DTC)
- Royal Avenue Gardens (DTC)
- Community Greenhouse site and adjacent areas on North embankment (DTC)
- Dartmouth Castle Wall (DTC)
- Castle Estate (DTC)
- Jawbones allotments (Dartmouth Trust)
- Milton Lane Allotments (DTC)
- Longcross cemetery (DTC)
- Community Orchard (DTC)
- Warfleet Creek, Lime Kilns, Quay and Slip (DTC)
- Sandquay Wood (Raleigh Estate)
- Norton Wood (SHDC)
- Norton Field (SHDC)
- Manor Gardens
- Crosby Meadow (Dartmouth Trust)
- Jawbones Beacon Park (SHDC)
The majority of sites, and all of those owned by DTC, have received landowner support for this “Green Belt” type of protection. However the landowners of Manor Gardens, Jawbones Beacon Park, Jawbones Allotments and Crosby Meadow are not prepared to support this designation for their land. It is still possible to nominate these 4 sites but if we are to be successful in an opposed nomination we must show that each site is demonstrably “special” to our local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value, tranquillity or richness of its wildlife. If you would like to add your support for one or more of these sites please do so via our web site . Thank you for your support.
We need part-time support in the development of a Transport Study for Dartmouth over the next few months
We are seeking to identify a person to assist in progressing the work of developing a Transport Study to support the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan by a contract for services to carry out various activities. The key requirement is to find someone with good written and verbal communication skills with experience of working as part of a team.
The following skills sets and indication of areas where support may be needed are intended to give an idea of the nature of the work which may be involved.
Note : This is a remunerated role
1 Ability to engage positively with a wide range of individuals and interest groups in a consultative process.
2 Possess a good knowledge of the town of Dartmouth and its community
3 Possess excellent IT skills with experience of, spreadsheets, word processing and presentation software
4 Ability to create content for websites and social media platforms
5 Ability to work within agreed parameters including financial and time constraints.
6 Possess experience of managing, recording and accounting for time spent on chargeable activity
If you wish to discuss the opportunity informally please contact either
Jeremy Wilson on 07795437634
Tony Tudor on 07870880696
If you would like to be considered for this work please supply a CV and a brief supporting statement of interest by email to Robert Brooke (
Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan – Calling Dartmouth community organisations, societies and groups .
As one of the four groups set up to help establish the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan for the next 15-20 years, we want to make sure that we truly reflect the thoughts and aspirations of local people. Our group is concerned with the town environment.
One of the topics we are investigating is the wide range of community
organisations in the Town. We would like to make contact with community groups, identify the facilities and venues they use and understand their importance to the Dartmouth community.
The Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan needs to represent a wide range of views. We hope you do not mind being contacted in this way, we had planned to hold public meetings and workshops, unfortunately, with the current pandemic this has proved impossible. With your help, we can develop and refine policies towards a positive and sustainable future for the Dartmouth community.
Please visit our website where you can give your feedback and ideas direct.
Many Thanks
Paul Talbot
Town Environment Topic Group
Valuable community feedback
We have been receiving valuable input from the community and so we have now redesigned the website to publish this input for all to see.
You can now click on the menu Community Feedback to see all emails and comments which have come through the website. It is well worth a scan as there are a lot of valuable ideas contained in these emails.
Take part in our Business Survey
The Economy Topic Group from the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Planning team is carrying out a survey of Dartmouth businesses. We are trying to determine how we can obtain suitable input for our Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan to help influence the success of businesses in Dartmouth and the sustainability of Dartmouth’s economy . We will be carrying out face to face interviews but it will be impossible to get in front of every business owner in Dartmouth. So we have devised an online survey which any Dartmouth business can complete, however we will require the name and address of your business to ensure the validity of your input. Click on the image below to enter the survey.
Read the Historic Survey of Dartmouth
If you click this image you will see we have just added a detailed Historic Survey of Dartmouth to our reference information. This project was commissioned by Devon County Council with funding provided by Historic England. The work was carried out by AC archaeology. This is a fascinating report exploring the history of all the different districts and streets of Dartmouth.
An invitation to take part in an evaluation of Dartmouth’s Footpaths and Rights of Way.
If you are a keen walker, there is an opportunity during September 2020 to take part in an evaluation of Dartmouth’s footpaths, Bridle Paths, Cycle Paths and Rights of Way.Jean McNulty
Your views are very important; your feedback will help Dartmouth Town Council to protect them and consider whether any action is needed to improve aspects of the paths.
Below is a list of walks to be evaluated.You are likely to be already familiar with them. Some walks are not included as they are already being checked, so it’s not a definitive list.
If you have any other queries, please get in touch through this website.
Walk Map reference
Shortcut across field from A379 to Swanaton Road From SX869500 to SX868498
Jawbones 760m from Allotments to Beacon Jubilee Park From SX876510 to SX873506
Jawbones to Above Town From SX876510 toSX877510 via SX876509
Bridleway between water treatment plant in Old Mill Creek From SX860519 to SX849514
via Lower Norton Farm and Norton Chalets to A3122.
Old Mill Lane through Sandquay Woods, circular.
Dart Vally Trail, Mayors Avenue Car Park to Old Mill Creek FromSX878514 to SX66511
New Co-Chairman for the Economy Topic Group
The Economy Topic Group has been joined by a new member who will take on the Co-Chairmanship of the group alongside Paul Reach. James Cocker has extensive experience in Local Government and particularly in economic planning. You can read a little more about James by clicking on his photo.
Paul Reach will continue to co-lead the group applying his extensive experience of Dartmouth both in local government on the Town Council and as a past Chairman of the Chamber of Trade.
Help us to conserve Dartmouth’s Heritage Assets
20th August 2020
We are asking the residents of Dartmouth to identify local heritage assets to help us preserve them through inclusion in the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan. If you are aware of, or are passionate about a part of Dartmouth that has not been recognised yet then please let us know through this site.
Heritage assets includes designated and non-designated assets and is defined in the National Planning Framework as being ‘A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions because of its heritage interest’.
Designated heritage assets include Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas and are regarded as being of national importance.
Non-designated assets, whilst not meeting the same strict criteria as designated assets, are of importance at a local level and do have significance in planning decisions. Heritage assets may be architectural, historic, artistic and/or archaeological. They can be below ground as well as above ground and include features and structures such as pumps, cobbled surfaces, post boxes etc as well as buildings.
Many of the the buildings and ancient monuments are already listed and well documented, we are more interested in the non-designated assets that are not noticed by the general public but local people have a particular fondness to see these features conserved and enhanced and contribute to the very special character of Dartmouth.
You can play a part in preserving these hidden assets so please let us know if you would like us to consider your favourite place. You can contact us by clicking the button below. Please provide a description of your special place together with your contact email. You can nominate more than one special place if you wish.Contact us
Save a Green Space near you
21st July 2020
The Green Environment Group of the Neighbourhood Plan has almost completed their listing of Open Spaces in Dartmouth. You just need to nominate your space and volunteer to Champion it – and if it’s chosen it will fight to protect it!
Make sure it’s on the list
If you have a green area near your home that is important to you, your family and community then make sure it is on the list by contacting the Neighbourhood Plan web site within the next 2 weeks.
We then intend to identify the most important of these sites for greater protection by designating them as “Local Green Spaces”. If you wish to influence the selection why not become a “Local Champion” and get your friends and neighbours to help us collect the information necessary to ensure this designation.
It is not a lot of work but if you don’t do it, it will not happen!
Can you be one of our Green Spaces Champions?
Our Green Environment Topic Group, lead by Peter Goldstraw, is trying to enlist several volunteers to take on the role of “Local Champion” for Dartmouth’s green spaces. We would like to see someone take on every green space we want to preserve.
Your role would be to nominate a green space – for example The Orchard, Coronation Park, Manor Gardens to name just a few then garner local support to help to preserve it. We would like to see a Champion for every green space around the town.
Our Champions will obtain nominations for open spaces aid, with assessment of the sites and garner community support for any that make the short list for Local Green Space protection.
If you would like to be considered as our “Local Champion” for your special green space please contact us through this website by clicking below.Contact us
Robert Brooke introduces our new website
July 12th 2020
Our Chairman Robert Brooke has written an introduction to the new Neighbourhood Planning effort and relaunched the project with the following message.
“Welcome to the new Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan website.
The Steering Group and the Topic Group Leaders are in place and actively beginning their detailed work. The immediate task is to build further the evidence base we need to support the plan.
Your input is vital. Please go to the Take Part section of this website or to our email address and let us have your messages and enquiries.
Now is the time for you to act. Your input will help us develop suitable plans and policies for Dartmouth for the next 15-20 years.
We intend to provide regular updates so please look out for them on this website.”Robert Brooke
Chairman of the Steering Group
Press release – 12-07-2020
Today sees the launch of the new website for the Neighbourhood Plan Group Here you will meet the team members and see how they are progressing with the preparation of a long term Plan for Dartmouth – going into 2034.
Our Chairman Robert Brooke has written an introduction to the new Neighbourhood Planning effort and relaunched the project with the following message.
“Welcome to the new Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan website. The Steering Group and the Topic Group Leaders are in place and actively beginning their detailed work. The immediate task is to build further the evidence base we need to support the plan.
Your input is vital. Please go to the ‘take part’ section of our new website or email address and let us have your messages and enquiries. Now is the time for you to act. Your input will help us develop suitable plans and policies for Dartmouth for the next 15-20 years.
We intend to provide regular updates so please look out for them on this website or, better still, register and receive them direct to your email inbox.
Robert Brooke
Chairman of the Steering Group
We are building our Topic Group teams and need people with the skills to help us plan the future of Dartmouth. If you are passionate about the town and believe you can help us, then please contact us either through our website at or by emailing our Chairman Robert Brooke on .
If you want to subscribe to our newsletter go to the ‘contact us’ page on our new website at END