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September 2022

Referendum version of the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan

Now that the Examination of the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan (under regulation 17) has been completed the next stage is for the community referendum to be organised by the South Hams District Council. A voting process for Dartmouth residents will be put in place and the requirement is for a decision to be reached by a simple majority vote.

The plan and the voting arrangements will be announced and shown on the relevant websites so that voters can be informed and make their decision known.

12th February 2022

12th Feb 2022 – Major milestone reached with the approval by DTC of the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan

The Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan has been finalised by the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The Plan takes account of the views received from the community ,and from key stakeholders and statutory consultees. It has now reached the formal Submission Stage (Regulation 15) following its approval by Dartmouth Town Council as the Qualifying Body who are responsible for its submission to South Hams District Council (SHDC) for their consideration and undertaking a further round of consultation in particular to those who have previously commented on the Plan. Consultation on the Submission Version can be made to SHDC using this link Thereafter SHDC will forward the plan and their own comments to an Independent Examiner . Once the inspector’s comments have been incorporated the Plan will be submitted to the Dartmouth residents for their formal consideration via a Referendum requiring a simple majority vote for approval. This version of the Plan has some weight when deciding planning applications. Once it has passed a Referendum the policies proposed in the Plan will be part of the Development Plan for the area and have legal standing for planning purposes in Dartmouth. The Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan will be effective through to 2034.

To comment on the Plan please click here:

7 Comments Add yours

  1. I will read the historical survey with interest – as far as I know nobody contacted the Museum for information and of course we have a great deal that might well have been of use for such a survey.

    I also note the use of an image of the Shambles at the top of Smith Street – again, as far as I know nobody asked the Museum for permission to use it since the original oil painting by Miss CB Hunt (1839) is owned by the Museum. At the very least an acknowledgement should have been given.

    The footpath listing ins noted – at least one has been missed out and was taken over by locals – perhaps without permission – about 5 years ago. Maps exist in the Museum. I will contact Jean McNulty.

    I have to recommend a bit of homework is done in future.

  2. Shaun Pound says:

    More than happy to support the adoption of the green spaces lists. Not sure that just sending a comment email is the best way of demonstrating this or if a specific monkeysurvey or similar would not be better.

    1. Peter Goldstraw says:

      Thgank you for your support. We are considering an online petition but the demonstration on community suppoort for these nominated sites on this web site is most important.

  3. Carol Lingard says:

    Jawbones needs to be protected, it is one of the few areas where one can walk dogs, have a Picnic without the hassle if not being abe to park the car and no fear of children running onto the road

  4. Peter Goldstraw says:

    Thank you so much for your support for JBP gaining Local Green Space protection within Dartmouth’s developing Neighbourhood Plan. Such support is most important in our efforts on this aspect.
    Peter Goldstraw

  5. Brian Boughton says:

    Allottments do not need to be protected by Neighbourhood plans. Under the Allotments Act 1925, councils can only develop statutorily protected allotment land with the permission of the secretary of state, and only if strict criteria are met.

    1. admin says:

      Thank you for your comment Brian. From the 25th Feb all comments should be made to South Hams District Council at or on their website at

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