Our Chairman Robert Brooke has written this introduction and message.
“Welcome to the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan website. After many months of dedicated research and preparation the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and its specific topic groups have completed their work and obtained approval to the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) from Dartmouth Town Council. Data in support of the policy proposals is included in the evidence supporting the Plan and is published in this website.
The Steering Group would like to thank all parties and individuals who have contributed to the consultation process and to the overall efforts in reaching the current stage of the Plan’s preparation. The input received has been vital and invaluable in our efforts to building the evidence base required in developing the plans and policies for Dartmouth for the next 15 to 20 years”
Robert Brooke
Chairman of the Steering Group
The Vision of the Steering Group which was set up to drive forward with the Plan preparation was to ensure that Dartmouth remains a flourishing community with a successful economic future. We were particularly keen to create new employment and business opportunities and make sure the Town has an infrastructure to meet the future needs of residents, businesses, workers and tourists.
Having received your views and ideas we have developed practical policy proposals that will benefit all parts of the community over the period of the Plan. This website aims to identify the relevant data for a good understanding of the information behind the Plan.
The Vision for Dartmouth towards 2034
Dartmouth is located at the scenic mouth of the River Dart located within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designated because of its exceptional countryside, dramatic coastline and waterfront. Dartmouth has limited opportunities for new development. However, any growth within the Neighbourhood Plan area should be sustainable and carefully controlled to meet local needs, respecting both the natural environment and the architectural heritage, protecting biodiversity and making provision against the effects of climate change.
To thrive as a coastal market town for the future, Dartmouth will require a diverse population of permanent residents, second home owners and seasonal visitors with a balanced age structure to ensure the town’s viability for the future as a place to live, work, and visit. Any new housing must reflect, therefore, the needs of such a population, and its integration as one community should be improved and strengthened by enhancing the connections between the upper part of the town and the historic town centre by the river.
To support a successful economic future and a flourishing community, there should be a well-functioning infrastructure, including enhanced broadband, improved transport, health and social care provision, and educational and recreational facilities, particularly for the young, but also for those seeking to develop healthier lifestyles.
The town’s economy will continue to depend in large measure on the tourism it attracts by its exceptional natural setting, marine facilities, historic interest, and cultural events. These attractions should be enhanced by an attractive mix of retail businesses, many of them independent, to meet the requirements of both tourists and residents. However, the town should also look to the future with new employment and business opportunities that reflect a green, changing economy and the revolution in working practices.
The many unique historical, green and urban spaces of Dartmouth will require protection, enhancement and conservation. All are special assets recognised as essential to the health and social well-being of those living and working in the town and vital for its economic and commercial future.
Assumptions & Constraints
In describing this vision, some working assumptions must be noted.
- The historic town centre by the river is spatially constrained. Identifying areas for future development will be part of the Neighbourhood Planning process.
- The area of the NDP is contained virtually entirely within the South Devon AONB. All development must be aligned to AONB policies for conserving this exceptional landscape.
- Any actions to develop the town’s built environment or manage the surrounding natural environment must meet the criteria of sustainability and protection of bio-diversity.
- The town’s resilience in the face of rising sea levels and the increased frequency of severe weather events must be addressed in the period covered by the NDP.
Topic Groups have addressed the interrelated social, economic and environmental
issues likely to be faced under four main headings
- Our Economy
- Infrastructure
- Our Green Environment
- The Town Environment
It was essential that each Topic Group focused primarily on the use and development of land and the associated planning issues. All individual contributors to the NDP process needed to be alert to the risk of wasting time discussing matters beyond its scope or on which it can only have negligible impact. The inter-relatedness of the topics made liaison between the Topic Groups essential. It was in this spirit that the Plan proposals were developed.
Hi this is our comments section. We reserve the right to exercise editorial control over this area. We will delete any comments that do not comply with our communication policy
I was involved in the 2016 group that was discontinued and would be interested in joining the new set-up; hopefully more will come of this one.
My principal interest would be for more homes to be for those of us who wish to downsize to an apartment/bungalow or similar, thus freeing the larger homes for families. At present, people whom I know are being forced out of Dartmouth to find appropriate accommodation.
Another push would be the Townstal area to return to its former glory. The present approach to town is downright scruffy. Volunteers do a marvellous job of clearing litter and weeds but it shouldn’t be left to them.
As a Visitor Centrevolunteer for over a decade, I’m very worried at present by the total lack of parking for visitors who, with no P & R, are unaware of the free parking up there, or the details of the 90 bus timetable from Sainsbury’s. Many visitors probably drive straight of town again and never return.
thank you for your comments Val. I will pass on your interest to our Chairman.
Can you please send us your email address or phone number to chairman@dartmouthplan.org so our Chairman can contact you.
Thank you
Tourism plays a large part in Dartmouth’s economy and the town has a great history but needs to be smartened up. Areas of the town should be pedestrianised such as The Quay, Duke Street, Market Square, Broadstone and Clarence Street. These areas are already treated as pedestrianised by visitors.
Mayors Avenue should have the pavements repaired and Travis Perkins builders yard (not the retail part) moved up to the industrial estate. The listed medieval warehouses could then be repaired and used as a visitor centre and museum.
There should be a good and safe slipway built near but away from the Higher Ferry, to encourage more boat users of all kinds to boost Dartmouth’s economy. Negotiations should begin to encourage the MOD to let Dartmouth have some of the large unused areas of the BRNC grounds for parking boats, cars etc. Coronation Park should be kept for physical activity, not used for more storage of boats etc.
Parking time on the North Embankment should be limited to 4 hours in the winter months. Locals say it is harder to park there in winter months than summer months.
Pinch points (e.g. at Norton) should be removed on the incorrectly named “A”3122 so that there is a “white line” road all the way to Totnes.
Thank you for your comments Ray they will be passed on to the relevant Topic Group heads as a part of our community consultation process.
Can I ask what plans are proposed for electric vehicle charging points in dartmouth and the surrounding area. Hybrid and Full electric car are becoming more popular and this will only increase in the future. The benefits for air quality and climate change are something I would hope is being considered now . The closest charging point currently is at Little Coombe Farm and obviously this is some way out of the town. The introduction of Lamp post charging points or designated charging areas would be of huge benefit to the town .
I know that Councillor Ged Yardy of Dartmouth Town Council is looking in to this issue for the Town Council and that there are discussions about putting charging points in at the new Health Center by the Park & Ride. However the Neighbourhood Planning steering group will be looking at the long term strategy for this, as we agree you are right about the rapid growth of EV’s. I read recently that EV’s are now outselling diesel cars in the UK!! Please watch for our plan.
Having just read Ray Bridges comments, I find he has pre-empted me on many things I was going to say! Great minds think alike! However, there are a couple of points I would like to add, which I already outlined in a letter to the Dartmouth Chronicle several weeks ago.
People have commented recently about the “Mediterranean” cafe style Dartmouth developed over the Covid summer. It made me think that we need to value the views of our beautiful river-front more. At present, the cars and, more importantly, the high-sided vehicles parked along the west bank of the river impede the view. I suggest a reorganisation of parking along this stretch. Parking along the Mayors Avenue Gardens side of the road could be rearranged as “bonnet to kerb” in a herringbone style. I believe that, in so doing, parking on the river side of the road could then be dispensed with incurring little or no loss of parking spaces.
I agree with Ray Bridges’ idea of more pedestrianisation of our streets. The crowds in Duke Street over the summer, coupled with the Sloping Deck’s outside seating under the Butterwalk (which, by the way, I think was a good idea) meant that people had no option but to overspill into the road. Vehicles turning left into Duke Street from the Boat Float have poor visibility at the best of times, in my view it is a potential accident black spot. Most people drive reasonably slowly when negotiating the corner, but not everybody does.
The speed limit is 30 mph, which is too fast for the town centre, it really would make sense to adopt a 20mph throughout the town as has been done in many others. As it is, there is a reckless minority amongst us who does not respect even the 30mph limit, particularly when descending the hill from Townstal Rd to Victoria Road. So, hopefully a 20 mph limit might curb their enthusiasm a little!
When considering pedestrianisation of our roads, I think that the one-way system around the boat float could be extended into Duke Street and beyond as far as the end of the market (opposite M & Co) where a mini roundabout would provide a transition to the upper part of Victoria Rd which would remain two-way.
I read today that, without the second lockdown, the South-West was in danger of having all its hospital beds overwhelmed by Covid patients. Apparently we have fewer beds per head of population than other areas. We have known about this, of course, for some time in Dartmouth. We really ought to make sure that the Health/Medical centre (I don’t know its official title) being built at the top of town has some beds. There is still a notice outside Dartmouth “Hospital” redirecting minor injuries patients to Totnes, whose Minor Injuries unit has been closed. We really are not well-served by the Health Service in Dartmouth. I know we have been promised improvement but we must be vigilant in order to get the best possible outcome for the town.
There are so many other things I could add: becoming a “green” town, both by protecting the open spaces we already have, but also by creating others. Green in the other sense of the word by committing to reusable energy and encouraging green industries to relocate here which would provide the jobs we need to create. Tourism is, of course, our “Golden Goose” but I believe we must diversify in the future, as too many people are dependent upon low-wage, temporary summer jobs.
I think I ought to stop now in the interests of brevity!
Many thanks foryour input.I willpass your comments on to the steering group for a response.
I would like to to register my support for keeping Jawbones and Manor Gardens as green spaces for the use of residents and visitors, and not sold off for building, or commercial use for the benefit of SHDC.
I agree with Janie Harford. It is important that we keep our green spaces for the enjoyment of everyone. They contribute to the character of the town and must not be sold off for profit, or any building purposes.
Our thanks to everyone who posted support for Local Green Space designation within our Neighbourhood Plan. This is exactly the evidence we need to collate if we are to obtain this protection against the wishes of the landowners. Please ask friends and neighbours to keep the comments coming!
Peter Goldstraw
It is important the Town’s remaining green spaces are protected and I applaud the work of the Neighbourhood Plan Team to get sites at Jawbones and Manor Gardens designated as Local Green Spaces. Attempts by SHDC to hinder this process – presumably for commercial gain – should be strongly resisted.
Our thanks to everyone who posted support for Local Green Space designation within our Neighbourhood Plan. This is exactly the evidence we need to collate if we are to obtain this protection against the wishes of the landowners. Please ask friends and neighbours to keep the comments coming!
Peter Goldstraw
It is really important that Jawbones Beacon Park is kept as a green space for people to enjoy in perpetuity. A great deal of work was put in by the Dart Area Landscape and Access Group (DALAG), with help from the cadets at BRNC and Dartmouth Green Partnership, to improving the area with picnic benches and 4 view points looking out over BRNC, Dartmoor, Start Bay and the Daymark and estuary. There is an inner circular walk and also one around the perimeter. There is almost always someone walking their dog around it and it is also a great place to exercise for those who need a flat and level path and who cannot cope with the other mainly hilly walks around Dartmouth. It makes a good stopping off place on the very popular Diamond Jubilee Way, also created by DALAG, for a rest and somewhere to sit down and enjoy the spectacular views over all the surrounding countryside.
Our thanks to everyone who posted support for Local Green Space designation within our Neighbourhood Plan. This is exactly the evidence we need to collate if we are to obtain this protection against the wishes of the landowners. Please ask friends and neighbours to keep the comments coming! Peter Goldstraw
I would like to register my support for keeping Manor Gardens and Jawbones as green spaces for the use if residents and visitors, and not sold off for residential or commercial development for the benefit of South Hams District Council.
Thank you so much for your support. If we are to convince the independent inspector to designate the Local Green Spaces against the opposition of the landowner we need to show public support for the proposal. Thank you for providing this. Please ask friends and neighbours to support us also.
Peter Goldstraw
Chair Green Environment Topic Group
Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan
I feel it would be a great mistake to allow any local green spaces to remain open to the possibility of development, especially when residents are asking that they should be protected for local use. These spaces are finate and once built over, cannot be brought back.
Thank you so much for your support. If we are to convince the independent inspector to designate the Local Green Spaces against the opposition of the landowner we need to show public support for the proposal. Thank you for providing this. Please ask friends and neighbours to support us also.
Peter Goldstraw
Chair Green Environment Topic Group
Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan
I wish to register my support for Manor Gardens and Jawbones Beacon Park to be designated Local Green Spaces (LGS), to preserve them for the local community and to protect them from future development.
Thank you so much for your support. If we are to convince the independent inspector to designate the Local Green Spaces against the opposition of the landowner we need to show public support for the proposal. Thank you for providing this. Please ask friends and neighbours to support us also.
Peter Goldstraw
Chair Green Environment Topic Group
Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan
Mrs Welbourne,
We are grateful for your support foir the sites in the Parish we have nominated for Local Green Space designation. We really need more members of our Community to come forward to support this initiative.
Best wishes,
Peter Goldstraw
Mrs Baldock,
I entirely agree with your summary of the importance of Jawbones Beacon Park and the role that DALG played in its develkopment. Like you I am surprised and dismayed that SHDC supported the creation of the park as recently as 2014 but now wish tpo rerserve the right to develop the site in the future. Please encouage the other members of your group to support this desigantion, and that of all of the sites we wish to protect within our Parisg, nby posting messages om our web sitre.
Best wishes,
Peter Goldstraw
As a proud resident of Dartmouth, I wish to convey my family’s gratitude for the work you are doing to improve the town and to safeguard its future.
We wholeheartedly agree with the points raised above by others regarding parking, housing and pedestrianisation.
As an active cyclist, walker and runner, I find it frustrating that there is no safe way to access Beacon Park at JawBones or to access the excellent paths towards Stoke Fleming and Little Dartmouth without going on the road. Can we continue the footpath opposite Dartmouth Academy and/or create a path from Waterpole Rd to Jawbones?
As it stands, the young people of Townstal are cut-off from the countryside so close to them!
Again, many thanks for the great work you are doing on our behalf.
Mike Canning & family.
I would like Jawbones allotments to be included in the green space of Dartmouth. Hon Secretary, Jawbones allotment Association
Many thanks for your support . I will pass on your comments to Peter Goldstraw who is Chairman of the responsible group.
The Dart Area Landscape Access Group
Press Statement for Jawbones Beacon Path 2014
Having successfully launched Dartmouth’s very popular walking route, the Diamond Jubilee Way, which was opened officially in 2012 by the Commodore of the Britannia Royal Naval College, the Dart Area Landscape Access Group (DALAG) will be opening its Jawbones Beacon Park project 31st May 2014. The Jawbones Hill car park is already one of the three main starting points for the roughly diamond-shaped route.
The celebrated national and local personality, Jonathan Dimbleby, has kindly consented to carry out the official opening ceremony of this the first stage of the wildlife-friendly park which comprises the newly installed picnic area and three of the four planned viewing points. This comprises of the newly installed picnic area and three of the four planned viewing points which, in response to DALAG’s involvement, have been opened up by landowners South Hams District Council, giving fantastic all-round vistas from this lofty position above the lovely town and its river. DALAG hopes that owners of adjoining land will one day agree to the creation of permissive footpaths that will provide a direct pedestrian link with the town .
Until about thirty years ago, Jawbones was a local authority infill site. It has since been more or less left to naturalise, though a sheltering belt of native broadleaved trees was planted some years ago around the perimeter and is now maturing nicely. A lot of invasive scrub has had to be cleared as part of the process of transforming the 6.3ha plateau, some of which has been done by the toil and sweat of willing BRNC cadets. The Dartmouth Green Partnership (formerly Dartmouth in Bloom) has begun planting wildflowers at several key locations, which will soon become a picture to behold, as well improving this important wildlife habitat.
Devon County Council, South Hams District Council plus local businesses and voluntary organisations provided the funding for the Diamond Jubilee Way. Similarly, DALAG has been the catalyst for the development of Jawbones Beacon Park, with the collaboration of South Hams, the sponsorship of Western Power Distribution and further generous financial contributions from local residents.
Of course, people coming along to the opening ceremony on the 31st May 2014 are invited to bring refreshments with them. After all, the new picnic area will be at the centre of the proceedings.
Nick Wood
(Secretary, DALAG)
The press release above about the opening of the Jawbones Beacon Park Project is even more pertinent now in 2021.
Covid 19 has heightened our awareness of the benefits of physical, mental and emotional well being generated through engaging with the outdoors; Jawbones Beacon Park and the Diamond Jubilee Way grace Dartmouth with world class landscapes and connectivness to history and the natural world.
Public benefits of land with open green space, historic 360 degree views of Stoke Fleming and Start Bay, Dartmoor, the River Dart and Britannia Royal Naval College, Kingswear and the Mouth of the River Dart need protecting and kept open for us and future generations to enjoy.
These outstanding timeless views must be held and cherished as public goods for posterity.
Many thanks for reminding us of your great initiative back in 2014. I remember that the Dart Gallery, which we ran on lower street helped you with a little funding for the Jubilee Way so it is well worth remembering how important this location is to the town.
Paul Reach
Website admin
Dartmouth needs green spaces. Contained to the east by the Dart, restricted to the north by BRNC the only escape on foot from the dense housing of lower Dartmouth is up towards Jawbones.
The Government Green Structure Plan identifies the benefits of access to green spaces as well as directing local authorities to plan for these.
Jawbones Beacon Park, as the name beacon implies, provides outstanding opportunities to enjoy the spectacular views and connect with the natural world as well as our history.
It is important for residents and tourists to be able to step aside from the busy streets and breathe comfortably within Manor Gardens.
The wellbeing of those who live within the locality and the attractiveness of Dartmouth’s tourist industry need to take into account the importance of green spaces. Identifying the above two, authority owned sites recognises that the geography of the Dart estuary limits choice and both are irreplaceable green assets.
Many thanks for your support and valuable input to our Plans. I will forwardx your comments to the steering group to make sure they take account of your views in their deliberations.
Paul Reach
Web Admin
Thank you for your support for our efforts to convince SHDC that there is strong community support for these sites to gain protection as Local Green Spaces within our developing Neighbourhood Pland for Dartmouth. The responses to date are valuab;le evidence we will place before the independent examiner.
Peter Goldstraw
From your list of “contested” green spaces it would appear that the landlord is SHDC.
Amongst their problems they are chronically short of cash as they have to provide the normal community services but have a rather small population base. They are intent on protecting any area that they own that has a potential for profit, including the comb mud flats, riverside of the North Embankment. (The proposed new boat launching ramp is eyed by them as a source of income, as is the new Health and Welfare Office block,( no beds ), on which the NHS will be paying rent to SHDC for the foreseeable future.
One tactic that might move them is to instigate all the possible legal moves to have those areas declared as community green spaces and oblige them to go to court each time. Funds could be raised for each site, there might even be an element of the legal world that would do some of it probono. Once SHDC realised that they were going to face continued legal costs they might become serious in co-operating. For example is there any possible way to pry the “New Ground” Mayor’s avenue parking lot back into the Town. It must have had some form of deed or covenant on its creation. SHDC would certinly take notice of that.
On street parking is the remit of DCC. Would they consider herring bone parking lanes on College way? There is about 7 acres of land that could provide parking , out of site of the town, and would result in traffic calming down college way. The park and ride buses could use it for those unable to walk.
There is a known phenomena that the more road side instructions there are: signs, traffic lights, directions, priorities, the less people take responsibility for looking out for themselves and for others. I am against designating pedestrian areas beyond that which we have. drivers and pedestrians at the moment look out for each other. And road signs and instructions are ugly, the fewer the better.
On s
Thank you for your interest in the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan. Clearly your comments span a number of the Topic Groups. As the lead for the Green Environment TG the comment regarding “Community Green Spaces” is relevant to my part of the NP. I have to admit that I am unfamiliar with this designation. I am familiar with “Assets of Community Value” which we successfuly obtained for the Community Orchard, but this did not involve legal advice. Can you point me in the right direction?
Peter Goldstraw
Chair, Green Environment Topic Group
Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan
Comments on the Executive Summary V5
1. I have been involved in preparing the Infrastructure section of the Plan and, once completed, withdrew to help in due course on the proposed Transport Study. So, I know how much work and effort has been put into the Plan. The team need the Town’s support.
2. I concur with the thorough work and detailed proposals set out in respect of the Green and Heritage components of the Plan. In particaulr we must protect the views of the Estuary from encroaching development and the draft Paln aims to do that.
3. However, I do have a concern about the Local Green Spaces. Not the principle or indeed the range of allocations proposed. However, given that no green space is left untouched by the LGS proposal there need to be some flexibility built in where, on specific occasions, a temporary use may be required for an LGS to enable other development to take place. This need not be a blanket flexibility but applied to just a particaulr site or two and I would ask that the Plan Group look at this on a site by site basis.
4. I have a broader concern which is not rooted in advancing any particular “for or against” approach but one which points to a potential contradiction within the Plan itself. Key objectives in the Plan are connected with housing and employment . However, the policies proposed are reactive –reactive in the sense that sound approached to meeting those objective will be applied WHERE OTHERS TAKE THE INITIATIVE (my emphasis). The achievement of these policies is primarily dependent upon developers/landowners and other agencies seeking to promote development. Their scope for doing so is limited within the settlement boundary area, and precluded by the presumption against development beyond that boundary. Of course, “exception sites” can be entertained outside the boundary and they will have to meet the policy requirements. But the site options for such sites are very few ( I think, perhaps one site?) and they may or may not come forward.
5. Thus, the Plan’s ability to deliver the housing and employment policies is not uncertain. This is particularly so in respect of affordable homes where the Aecom Report at Appendix A estimates the need is about 25 homes per annum –that is about 325 over the remaining Plan period to 2034.
6. On employment, the issue is whether the Little Cotton and Noss sites will be sufficient by way of new allocations to meet the policy requirements. They are both outside the Plan area but would clearly draw upon Dartmouth for jobs. Will they provide the right type of jobs and do we need a fresh allocation for seedbed businesses or existing businesses to move to larger premises?
6. In this context we need a clear debate about whether or not the Plan should set out a more proactive approach to meeting affordable housing and employment needs. I have an open mind but we need to have a clearer reconciliation between the relevant policies as drafted and the reactive approach to fresh allocations. If the Town decides that the Plan should remain reactive, that’s fine, but then we need to be clearer on this , to me, fundamental issue.
Finally, again, well done to those who have done the hard work in getting us this far!
Constructive comments Jeremy, thank you and I will make sure the Steering Group see your proposals.
I’m concerned about the possible change of use of the Public Toilets at Coronation Park to a kiosk of some type, and have objected on the official Planning site (No. 2506/21/FUL).
The loos there are used by users of the park, children’s playground, tennis courts and dog walkers, as well as locals and visitors who enjoy the delights of an embankment walk.
We often walk down College Way from the edge of town and the loos are welcomed on occasion, despite their poor condition!
Further to my comment above regarding my objection to the Kiosk planning application for Coronation Gardens (No. 2506/21/FUL), it has failed to appear on the South Hams Council Planning site so I sent a second ‘reminder’. Very few townsfolk have objected to the replacement of the Combe Road toilets and, knowing the variety of users over there, I’m amazed that there has been no outcry so far.
The Neighbourhood Plan makes many references to the need for: strong tourism and facilities to cater to tourist and visitor demand … and we locals can’t do without toilets.
Please, have a glance at the Planning Application and see if the intended loos will be open in the winter, when the kiosk is shut for months, or when the kiosk custom is quiet and they close early. It appears that there is only access to the loos when the kiosk is attended. If MY objection has disappeared, perhaps others have too (?) and I’m suspicious.
It’s Dartmouth Town Council who have put in the application and other town toilets have been closed already; it saves money!
Any former incidents of vandalism are likely to have happened during quieter parts of the day, when a kiosk would be unattended. The kiosk itself could act as a magnet to vandals.
The area has no need for an extra kiosk but it most certainly needs more than a single toilet.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way; other towns manage it and so must Dartmouth, even if it means putting the toilets into the control of a private company, as has been done at Broadsands, Torbay. There is a charge to enter which, to my mind, is quite acceptable. We’re not provided with free loo rolls, soap and water at home, after all; we used to call it ‘spending a penny’, remember?
Thanks for your follow up comments which I acknowledge on behalf of the Neighbourhood Plan group. I have passed your comments on to the steering group and will let them respond. However my view is that these toilets were frequently vandalised when they were isolated toilets only so the addition of a commercial koisk means they may actually have some protection from vandalism. Clearly this is not guaranteed but is enough for me personally to hold back from objecting. However this is a personal view and not the view of the Neighbourhood Planning Group so I am sure they will respond as they see fit.
I thank and congratulate Robert and the Team for the enormous amount of work which has gone into getting the Plan to this stage. This has joined other major projects, such as The Flavel, as a major step forward in bringing Dartmouth into the 21st Century. I hope that it will be adopted and brought into law before it can be shelved by SDHC/DCCC , along with the plethora of previous attempts to sort out the parking!
Sadly, I don’t have the time to wade through 100pages, but I strongly support:
Any move to provide really affordable housing for our indigenous work force (I know of at least one Dartmouth-born who is moving to London because it’s cheaper!)
Encouraging the introduction of small businesses.
Ring-fencing our existing green spaces.
Any plan to further pedestrianise the centre of Town
Herring-bone parking, which is so much more environmentally- friendly than others (one-shot entry and exit.)
Blocking any future attempts by DCC to introduce on-street parking meters.
The introduction of on-street charging points.
I have not had time to scan all the comments so my observations may be duplicated. If so apologies. It would be helpful to have and executive summary showing where we are in 2021 and where we aim to be in 2034 with milestones in between. This may make for simpler reading in what is a complicated document.
Electric charging points are a must during this timescale and these must be readily available in the timescale at various locations in the centre and north of the town. I do not recall seeing anything in the plan at the present time about the need for these.
Gordon, there is an Executive Summary on this website which may assist you. This includes the policies being proposed for the community to approve or not !The whole question of transport and parking is critical but much is beyond the framework of a Neighbourhood Plan. However the Plan proposes a Transport Study for the town and for Devon, District and Town Councils to get together , to consider the interests of dartmouth and to produce sensible solutions for the common interest.
I moved to Dartmouth nearly 30 years ago as there were facilities that served the needs of the local residents. This has changed completely and the comments here reflect the poor state of medical services, transport, public toilet accessibility, parking, banking etc …..to name but a few. The move into the 21st century has been a regression of many decades worth of progress to improve community services.
Our Council through the years continue to make planning statements that do not come to implementation. The new housing developments are largely not affordable for residents many on low pay. The green spaces are under threat of commercial development despite the council saying how important the environment is. No doubt our representatives will say that some of the things are outside of their control but the council has not shown that they can propose and support initiatives to remedy decline. For example, a community banking hub could have been one solution.
I support all the comments people have left here as they reflect the views of those that I talk to about the sadness of a town in decline as far as local residents facilities are concerned.
We thank you for your comments which are noted and will be considered as part of the feedback from the consultation.
I would like to express my true appreciation to all those who have contributed their time in drafting this plan. It is a long read and vital, but lacks any priorities or weighting to create a clear focus.
Above all else, we should prioritise ‘preserving our landscape and scenic beauty’, because once eroded, it would be lost forever.
Secondly, I believe Employment Opportunities should be the next key driver. Despite the wonderful efforts of our local charities and voluntary organisations, nothing will solve long term poverty and social deprivation better than year-round income opportunities from employment. Affordable housing is pointless unless those who need it have income from employment to pay for it. Improved health, nutrition and lifestyle choices cannot be achieved without income from employment to support it. Young people in disadvantaged parts of the community cannot reach their full potential and become independent of the state unless there is ‘hope’ of a better life from year-round employment. Of course it’s a long haul, but it is society’s duty to put this in place. So, we need to make suitable industrial/commercial development a condition of housing development, not just a percentage for ‘affordable’ housing. We need to encourage businesses and start-ups who can offer training / retraining for today’s job market ….. and why not develop some hybrid properties (business on the ground floor, living accommodation above), for artisans/craftsmen, like there used to be over many centuries past. [why would a small business/start-up choose to pay rent and council tax on both commercial premises and a home?]
Restrictions on second homes in new housing developments should avoid any wriggle room, if they are to help local young people afford a home to raise a family. So being able to declare a Dartmouth home as primary residence and the true main home up-country as a second home, fails the objective. Restrictions should therefore, as a suggestion, require the buyer to have been on the electoral role in the South Hams for five out of the last ten years (ie. no wriggle room).
Lastly, could the old Community Cottage Hospital on the Embankment be converted/redeveloped as affordable housing, solely for local health workers?
Richard, many thanks for your considered comments. I am very pleased you have read the plan and given us some valuable observations. I will pass your comments on to the steering group for a response
We need Hospital beds and a MIU and that is what we were promised and should demand ,the good people of the South Hams pay their contributions too and should have the same public services as everywhere else .To remove health care provision from almost 30.000 humans, just for the beneifit of the incurably greedy 1% is not exceptable .Dartmouth must lead the way and stand up to those lawless unelected people who intend to harm our community for nothing more than incurable greed. They are tratiors and mean us harm ,we must resist .Why would we need homes for healthworkers if we have no Hospital for them to work in ?….bonkers!
i have approx 3,400 signatures demanding the return of OUR Hospital and the much needed services withinin it ,which blows the 300+ responses to the unlawful deceptive and predetermind so called consultation by the Foundation Trust and CCG out of the water.
Comments on Neighbourhood Plan
Dartmouth is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We must endeavour to maintain this status. With this in mind, we are in full agreement with all efforts to retain the Green Spaces outlined in the Neighbourhood Plan. We have three main areas to address.
1) Housing.
Recently, many prominent spaces and houses are being purchased by wealthy individuals, who never actually live in these houses, leaving them empty or indeed choosing to sell them on at a vastly increased price. Recent developments add little to the beauty of the area and some involve knocking down ancient walls -a practice that would never have been allowed a few years ago. Recent changes in Planning Law are making such practices too easy to achieve.
Over the years Dartmouth has become a replacement for the stock market so houses are bought and sold and never lived in. Some became holiday lets and more recently Airbnb has found its way here. This adversely affects the community, as these are, in effect, ‘outside’ the community, lived in by transient holiday-makers. This trend increases year on year, making affordable housing for locals an impossible task to achieve.
2) South Embankment.
Before lockdown, we had full enjoyment of our beautiful embankment area, with riverside walks. During lockdown, the area was cluttered with cordoned off areas allocated to restaurants and pubs. I understand the need for this during covid, since not only did businesses need to keep going, but people needed to relax and enjoy their free time in open spaces, which reduced risk.
However, it has a cost and the cost is the loss of the unimpeded walks along that area of the river and the enjoyment of that open space. It gives the feeling that our town has been taken over.
I would not like this to become a permanent feature. The walks alongside the river are far too important for health and social reasons, offering everyone those uninterrupted, sweeping views of the estuary, which we all love.
3) Parking and traffic circulation.
Yes, that old chestnut. For how many years have we discussed this without resolution? Perhaps it will be less of an issue with passing years since a large number of houses now are second homes, but for those of us who live here and who have lived here for a long time, the issue does not go away. Indeed, it increases as visitor numbers increase. We buy parking permits for Mayor’s Ave car park, at around £500 this year, with no guarantee of a space. Summer months, therefore, can make life very difficult for parking for residents in the town centre. Visits outside of town have to be carefully planned around parking availability on our return.
London has residents parking – an area near where you live which is allocated to residents for a fixed yearly sum. Each time residents parking is suggested, there is objection, but we must persist in encouraging this.
Dartmouth has a number of roads offering free parking from end Sept to April with limited parking for the rest of the year in Newcomen Road. Higher street is unlimited and free all year, Embankment is 2 hourly and free. The market area offers free parking except for market days. Visitors drive around and around the town centre creating air pollution, in an attempt to find a free parking space. Why not charge for all on-street parking (which would be a good source of income for South Hams) with a concession for local residents (a permit). This may encourage visitors to use the Park and Ride (as they will be paying for on-street parking anyway). Local residents parking could be integrated with this. Increased pedestrian streets would enable the greater enjoyment of the historic town centre and its’ very special buildings.
I fully support the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan and thank all the members of the Steering Committee for all their time, huge amount of work and effort in creating it – so important in protecting our beautiful historic town, environment and AONB for the future.
I particularly support the retention of green spaces, all allotments, Jawbones Beacon Park and Manor Gardens for the enjoyment of visitors and residents in perpetuity and for them not to be able to be sold or used for any financial gain to the benefit of SHDC.
For a town very dependant on tourism for its welfare, it is necessary to provide basic amenities for visitors to ‘spend a penny’ and to facilitate them spending their money. It is false economy to have closed the toilet amenities by Manor Gardens below the Visitors Viewing Platform . It is a long way from amenities at The Gardens to those at The Castle. With the closing of all banks in town and their cash points, how are new visitors to Festivals or on holiday to know of cash points in the Co-Op or Spar? It would be good if it would be somehow possible to arrange for a centrally located and well advertised cash point other than the only visible one outside the building society on The Embankment.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Roger English
Subject: RE: Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan Consultee
Date: 7 October 2021 at 17:26:19 BST
To: “robert@dianihouse.co.uk”
Cc: Peter Sandover
Dear Robert,
Please accept my apologies for not having provided a formal South Devon AONB response to you in respect of the draft Pre-Submission NP for Dartmouth. Having seen earlier versions and been content with how this has evolved, together with time and resourcing pressures elsewhere, we have had to focus our involvement on other more problematic areas of activity. As a consequence I do not have any formal comments to make at this stage other than to commend you and the Dartmouth NP team on developing the plan to this point.
Best wishes,
Roger English I AONB Manager
South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Follaton House, Plymouth Road, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5NE
Office: 01803 229331 Mobile: 07935 395301
Email & Teams: roger.english@southdevonaonb.org.uk